
sysPass has some security mechanisms to mitigate some kind of events and actions that could compromise the application security. Among them are:

  • Security token generation for sending forms
  • Removing of unwanted characters from received data
  • Type casting of received data
  • Hash generation for export and backup files name
  • RSA (PKI) encryption is used for sending passwords within forms

Although these actions, some other task should be performed in order to secure the web server components and communications by:

  • Using HTTPS
  • Limiting access to ‘…/app/config’ and ‘…/app/backup’ directories
  • Enforcing web server access policies

In order to limit the access to the directories through Apache, ‘.htaccess’ files could be used within the directories or by modifying the site configuration:

# Apache 2.4 (after 2.4.16)
<Directory "/var/www/html/sysPass">
  Options -Indexes -FollowSymLinks -Includes -ExecCGI
      Require expr "%{REQUEST_URI} =~ m#.*/index\.php(\?r=)?#"
      Require expr "%{REQUEST_URI} =~ m#.*/api\.php$#"
      Require expr "%{REQUEST_URI} =~ m#^/?$#"

<Directory "/var/www/html/sysPass/public">
  Require all granted

<FilesMatch "\.(png|jpg|js|css|ttf|otf|eot|woff|woff2|ico)$">
  Require all granted
# Apache 2.4 (before 2.4.16)
<Directory "/var/www/html/sysPass">
  Options -Indexes -FollowSymLinks -Includes -ExecCGI
      Require expr %{REQUEST_URI} =~ m#.*/index\.php(\?r=)?#
      Require expr %{REQUEST_URI} =~ m#.*/api\.php$#
      Require expr %{REQUEST_URI} =~ m#^/?$#

<Directory "/var/www/html/sysPass/public">
  Require all granted

<FilesMatch "\.(png|jpg|js|css|ttf|otf|eot|woff|woff2|ico)$">
  Require all granted


‘…/app/config’ directory shouldn’t be accessible through the web server, it could reveal private data.